Estate and Tax Planning to Protect your Legacy
The complexity of today’s business, investment and tax environment means that estate planning and administration requires expertise in accounting, taxation, and legal matters. The tax environment surrounding families and individuals of significant means is constantly in flux. Both changing laws and new life events create financial pressures on your family and your business. Richter’s tax experts can help you plan your estate in a manner that achieves your family and financial goals and capitalizes on the tax opportunities that may be available to you and your estate. Our team of multidisciplinary professionals also works with families, executors and liquidators, and their advisors, to assist with estate settlement and administration in a seamless fashion. We provide holistic advice and services in both the pre- and post-mortem context, developing estate plans with you and ensuring a successful estate transition.
Our collaborative approach and comprehensive services help ensure your wishes are defined clearly and carried out efficiently.
Estate planning
Effective estate and will planning involves much more than just writing down who gets what – especially when a business is involved. Estate planning is often a significant piece of a multi-generational framework. We work with you to plan out your estate and will and determine if any other elements should factor into your plan, such as protection mandates, family trusts, or a pre-mortem reorganization of family assets and companies. We also offer pre-settlement services for more complex estates.
Estate and will planning is paramount to ensuring the financial well-being of your family. For many business owners and individuals of significant wealth, financial decisions are often intimately linked with family concerns. Our estate planning professionals understand that even though it’s business, it’s personal.
Estate settlement and administration
Administering an estate isn’t easy. Our experienced professionals guide executors and liquidators through the often-complex issues they may face, such as non-resident beneficiaries, assets located outside of the country, the wind-up of investment companies and tax clearances. These are just some of the scenarios we help families navigate in the estate settlement process. Our well-rounded multidisciplinary team can identify practical and tax-efficient solutions to meet each unique situation.
When it comes to your family and your business after you are gone, there are many important questions to consider. We’re here to guide you and help ease the burden of providing for your family’s future.
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The Summit Series: Fairness in Estate Distribution

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