Succession Planning for Business Owners Richter X Globe and Mail Event

The Globe and Mail hosted an event on June 4, 2024, addressing the complexities of succession planning for business owners, especially the challenges of separating family and business. The event featured various presentations and panels, offering insights into effective succession strategies and the psychology behind decision-making.

Francesco Barbera, from Toronto Metropolitan University, began with a presentation on current succession strategies for small and medium-sized businesses. Sandra E. Martin, Standards Editor at The Globe and Mail, interviewed a panel of business owners, including Roger Greenberg of The Minto Group, Kathy Cheng of WS & Co., and Shernee and Sheena Chandaria of Conros Corporation, discussing common succession challenges.

Lorna Johnston, founder of The Change Institute, presented on the psychology of legacy planning decisions. This was followed by a panel featuring Elaine and Heather Gerrie of Gerrie Electric and Peter Jaskiewicz from the Telfer School of Management, focusing on preparing the next generation for leadership.

Richter’s Expertise on Succession Planning Shines Through

Clare O’Hara interviewed Greg Moore of Richter and Naim M. Ali of SM2 Capital Partners on governance in family enterprises. The event concluded with a keynote by Steve Beauschene of Family Enterprise Canada, emphasizing the struggles family businesses face and the importance of governance in succession planning.

Watch the full recording below.