Our Insights

Culture Corner: Finding balance
Each month, we interview a Richter partner to gain insight into how our leadership finds balance and focus in a …

Culture Corner: Teambuilding
Each month, we interview a Richter partner to gain insight into how our leadership finds balance and focus in a …

Culture Corner: New minds, new perspectives (Andrew Greco)
Each month, we usually interviews a Richter partner to gain insight into how our leadership finds balance and focus in …

Culture Corner: New minds, new perspectives (Joyce Lu)
Each month, we usually interview a Richter partner to gain insight into how our leadership finds balance and focus in …

Culture Corner: New minds, new perspectives (Jack Bradshaw)
Each month, we usually interview a Richter partner to gain insight into how our leadership finds balance and focus in …

Culture Corner: New minds, new perspectives (Sam Factor)
Each month, we usually interview a Richter partner to gain insight into how our leadership finds balance and focus in …

In the News | CBC, Globe and Mail, BNN television, etc. | Raymond Vankrimpen | Heartbleed Bug
Partner Raymond Vankrimpen, cybersecurity expert, weighs in on the Heartbleed Bug… Raymond Vankrimpen, a Partner at Richter and cybersecurity expert, has …

In the news | Action Canada-France | Guy St-Georges | Allegations of fraud: act quickly, the first 48 hours are crucial!
“Allégations de fraude : faites vite, les 48 premières heures sont cruciales!” An article by Guy St-Georges appeared in the February …

In the news | Espace | Stéphanie Lincourt and Harvey Sands | Marrying Social Entrepreneurship and Social Impact Real Estate Development
By: Stéphanie Lincourt, CPA, CA, Senior Manager, Audit, Richter Business Matter contributor: Harvey Sands, CPA, CA, Consultant, Richter Social entrepreneurship is often …