Our Insights

Keeping Your Enterprise Cybersecure

First line of defense

From our Cybersecurity experts We live in a digital world. Even if it is not operating in the tech space, your …

Keeping Your Enterprise Cybersecure | Wealth Creation Stage

Know the right people before a crisis

From our Cybersecurity experts We live in a digital world. Even if it is not operating in the tech space, your …

Keeping Your Enterprise Cybersecure

Managing a Cyber Crisis: A How-to in preparing for disaster

From our Cybersecurity experts A cyber crisis is a disaster like no other. Resolving such incidents demands thoughtful procedures and mitigation …

Keeping Your Enterprise Cybersecure

On the flip side: do you know where your information lives?

From our Cybersecurity experts We live in a digital world. Even if it is not operating in the tech space, your …

Keeping Your Enterprise Cybersecure

Do you know your data?

From our Cybersecurity experts We live in a digital world. Even if it is not operating in the tech space, your …

Optimizing Your Business

Cryptocurrencies: where should it all go?

Let’s face it, the enticing world of cryptocurrency may be too tempting to avoid for some investors. For those looking …

Optimizing Your Business

Want to LOSE your cryptocurrencies?

By Scott Binns, Giovanni Molinaro and Hekmat Kaadan Let’s face it, the enticing world of cryptocurrency may be too tempting to avoid …

Richter News

In the news | Espace | Stephane Marcassa | Quebec’s approach to the challenges of the sharing economy and companies like Airbnb

In short, the sharing economy is a socio-economic model in which goods, services and knowledge are shared or exchanged between individuals.

Richter News

Richter bulletin | Canadian Tax Focus | Hekmat Kaadan | IRS Highlights Non-Compliance of Midmarket Firms

In March 2017, the IRS's Large Business and International Division rolled out 13 campaigns that Canadian midmarket business owners should be made aware of.