Our Insights

Optimizing Your Business

How can organizations improve efficiency?

Focusing on efficiencies not only saves money, but can increase innovative thinking By Loretta Roll, PMP Ask anyone within a corporation or …

Optimizing Your Business

Managing Commodity Taxes and Cash Flows in a Transaction

You have just finalized the terms and conditions for the sale or acquisition of a business.

Optimizing Your Business

4 benchmarking lessons for the retail sector

Retail is a challenging business. From adapting to new fashion trends to deploying your omni-channel retailing strategy, you must always …

Optimizing Your Business

Good Governance: Just a catch-phrase?

Originally published in Canadian Gaming Business Magazine Some people refer to it as corporate governance, others just call it governance, and some …

Wealth Transition Stage

Measures to Facilitate the Transfer of a Family Business Are Poorly Adapted to the Reality of SMEs

Julie Hélène Tremblay, LL.B., M. Fisc., Senior Manager, Tax Michel Babeu, CPA, CA, M. Fisc., Partner, Tax Intergenerational Transfers Pose a Problem As …

Optimizing Your Business

Allegations of Fraud: Work Fast! The First 48 Hours Are Crucial!

Did you know that when your company finds itself the victim of fraud, the measures implemented within the first 48 hours …

Optimizing Your Business

Four ways to turn risks into opportunities in the agri-food industry

Greater consumer demand for high-quality, safe and traceable products, a constantly changing market, price volatility, fierce competition, increasingly complex regulations, …

Keeping Your Enterprise Cybersecure

The Internet of Things: A Revolution That Comes with Risks

The Internet of Things is a sector that is sure to see enviable growth in the years to come. Various …

Wealth Transition Stage

What it’s worth now, and how

Maximizing the value of your business starts with knowing how much it is worth today. It’s crucial to assess the …