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Richter News

In the news | Canadian Family Offices | Greg Moore | Pandemic drives home need for picking next boss of the family business

Our Partner, Greg Moore spoke to Canadian Family Offices about the importance of succession planning and how family office advisors can help, even before a crisis happen.

Richter News

In the news | Canadian Family Offices | Raymond Vankrimpen | Oversharing on social media especially risky for the wealthy

Whatever you post “is pretty much there forever,” says our Partner, Raymond Vankrimpen in an interview with Canadian Family Offices.

Richter News

In the news | Les Affaires | Martin Gilbert

Martin Gilbert, vice president, was featured in “Passer au travers d'une vérification fiscale” in Les Affaires, where he gave his …

Richter News

In the News | Conversations with a CPA Podcast | Stéphanie Lincourt | Return to the Abnormal – Commercial Leases

Our partner, Stéphanie Lincourt, was invited as a guest on CPA Québec’s podcast “Conversations with a CPA”. She shared her …

Richter News

In the News | Premières en affaires | Perspectives on the future of workspaces and office life

Six businesswomen, real estate experts from Richter, each with their own reality, reflect on the topic of the future of our workspaces.

Richter News

Press release | Richter Acted as Exclusive Financial Advisor to Murray Sales (MSC)

Richter Advisory Group Inc. (Richter) acted as exclusive financial advisor to Murray Sales (“MSC”), in the sale of the business …

Richter News

In the news | Bloomberg Tax | David Hogan | No easy answers in Canada’s review of transfer pricing rules

Our partner, David Hogan, provided his insights to Bloomberg Tax on Canada’s intent to reform transfer pricing rules.

Optimizing Your Business | Richter News | Wealth Creation Stage

In the news | Espace | Navigating the COVID-19 Relief Measures available to property owners and tenants

The COVID-19 pandemic has created new operating and fiscal realities on landlords, tenants, lenders and investors.

Keeping Your Enterprise Cybersecure

Richter’s Checklist to Law 25 (formerly Bill 64) Compliance

Understanding each step is essential to ensuring you don’t miss anything and that you limit your risk of incurring possible penalties.